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Sabtu, 26 November 2011


hello guys, now you can see about your caharacteristic depend on your blood :)

check it now!
  Tentunya kita tau bahwa ada 4 pembagian Golongan Darah, yaitu Golongan Darah: A, B, O, AB.
Di Jepang, ramalan tentang  seseorang lebih ditentukan oleh golongan darah daripada zodiak atau shio.
Katanya, golongan darah itu ditentukan oleh protein-protein tertentu yang membangun semua sel di tubuh kita dan oleh karenanya juga menentukan
psikologi kita. Benar apa tidak?
kamu itu guys, orangnya terorganisir, konsisten, jiwa kerja-sama nya tinggi, tapi selalu cemas, selalu perfectsionis  yg kadang bikin org mudah sebel, kecenderungan berpolitik: “destra”.
buat yang bergolonga B , kamu nyaa itu nyantai, easy going, bebas, dan paling menikmati hidup, kecenderungan berpolitik: “sinistra”
si Mr. O berjiwa besar, supel, sayangnyaa  gak mau ngalah. tapi ada yang aneh nih, si O biasanya  alergi pada yg detil- detil , kecenderungan berpolitiknya adalah: “centro”
nah yang ber golongan AB ini orangnya unik, nyeleneh (jawa dikit yaa), punya banyak akal, tapi kadang kandang yaa  berkepribadian ganda.  no body's perfect la ~~
Yg paling gampang ngaret soal waktu:
1. B : kamu nya santai teruus
2. O : kamuu orangnya flamboyan
3. AB : kmu  gampang gonta ganti program
4. A  : kamu itu gagal dalam disiplin
Yg paling susah mentolerir kesalahan org :
1 . A  : soalnya perfeksionis dan narsismenya terlalu besar
2. B  : it"s because you are  easy going tapi juga easy judging
3. AB : kamu  asal beda siih
4. O  : soalnya kamu easy judging tapi juga easy pardoning)
Yg paling bisa dipercaya :
1. A : karna kamu konsisten dan taat hukum, hahaay
2. O  : demi menjaga balance
3. B : demi menjaga kenikmatan hidup
4. AB : mudah ganti frame of reference
Yg paling disukai buat  jadi teman :
1. O : orangnya sportif
2. A  : selalu on time dan persis
3. AB : kreatif
4. B  : tergantung mood
Kebalikannya, teman yg paling disebelin/tidak disukai:
1 B : easy come easy go alias bosenan  hihii
2 AB : double standard
3 A : terlalu taat dan scrupulous
4 O : susah  mengalah
Yg paling mudah kesasar/tersesat :
1 B
2 A
3 O
4 AB
Yg paling banyak meraih medali di olimpiade olah raga:
1 O : emang jagonya  olah raga
2 A : persis dan matematis
3 B : tak terpengaruh pressure dari sekitar. Hampir seluruh atlet judo, renang dan gulat jepang bergoldar B loh
4 AB : alergi pada setiap jenis olah raga
Yg paling banyak jadi direktur dan pemimpin
1 O : krn berjiwa leadership dan problem-solver yeah !
2 A : krn berpribadi “minute” dan teliti
3 B : krn sensitif dan mudah ambil keputusan
4 AB : krn kreatif dan suka ambil resiko
Yg jadi PM jepang rata2 bergolongan darah
1 O : soalnya berjiwa pemimpin
Mahasiswa Tokyo Univ pada umumnya bergol darah : B
Yg paling gampang nabung :
1 A : hobby  menghitung bunga bank
2 O : hobby liatin  prospek
3 AB : menabung krn punya proyek
4 B : baru menabung kalau punya uang banyak
Yg paling kuat ingatannya
1 O
2 AB
3 A
4 B
Yg paling panjang umur :
1 O (gak gampang stress, antibodynya paling joss!)
2 A (hidup teratur)
3 B (mudah cari kompensasi stress)
4 AB (amburadul)
Yg paling gampang gendut
1 O (nafsu makan besar, makannya cepet lagi)
2 B (makannya lama, nambah terus, dan lagi suka makanan enak)
3 A (hanya makan apa yg ada di piring, terpengaruh program diet)
4 AB (Makan tergantung mood, mudah kena anoressia)
Paling gampang digigit nyamuk :
O (darahnya manis)
Yg paling gampang flu/demam/batuk/ pilek
1 A (lemah terhadap virus dan pernyakit menular)
2 AB (lemah thd hygiene)
3 O (makan apa saja enak atau nggak enak)
4 B (makan, tidur nggak teratur)
Apa yg dibuat pada acara makan2 di sebuah pesta ??
O (banyak ngambil protein hewani, pokoknya daging2an)
A (ngambil yg berimbang. 4 sehat 5 sempurna)
B (suka ambil makanan yg banyak kandungan airnya spt soup, soto, bakso dsb)
AB (hobby mencicipi semua masakan, “aji mumpung”)
Yg paling cepat botak :
1 O
2 B
3 A
4 AB
Yg tidurnya paling nyenyak dan susah dibangunin :
1 B (tetap mendengkur meski ada Tsunami)
2 AB (jika lagi mood, sleeping is everything)
3 A (tidur harus 8 jam sehari, sesuai hukum)
4 O (baru tidur kalau benar2 capek dan membutuhkan)
Yg paling cepet tertidur
1. B (paling mudah ngantuk, bahkan sambil berdiripun
bisa tertidur)
2 .O (Kalau lagi capek dan gak ada kerjaan mudah ken
3 .AB (tergantung kehendak)
4 .A (tergantung aturan dan orario)
Penyakit yg mudah menyerang :
A  (stress, majenun/linglung)
B  (lemah terhadap virus influenza, paru-paru)

O  (gangguan pencernaan dan mudah kena sakit perut)
AB (kanker dan serangan jantung, mudah kaget)
Apa yg perlu dianjurkan agar tetap sehat :
A (Krn terlalu perfeksionis maka nyantailah sekali-kali, gak usah terlalu tegang dan serius)
B (Krn terlalu susah berkonsentrasi, sekali-kali perlu serius sedikit, meditasi, main catur)
O (Krn daya konsentrasi tinggi, maka perlu juga mengobrol santai, jalan-jalan)
AB (Krn gampang capek, maka perlu cari kegiatan yg menyenangkan dan bikin lega).
Yg paling sering kecelakaan lalu lintas (berdasarkan
data kepolisian loh! )
1 A
2 B
3 O
4 AB
nah, guy udah tau kan sekarang? so, you can trust it or not, its your choice. klo percaya silahkan "hati-hati" dari sekarang atau yang punya sikap jelek mungkin bisa dicoba untuk berubah :)  hahaa thank you guys yang udah baca atau pun comment . see you at the next posting, i hope you happy to read it ~

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

how PROUD i'm with my old city !

haii all, now I will tell you about a little bit my experience. just share :)

okay, first, having been selected as the one of the SISFAC program member 2011. this is my journey to begin knowing my city. in this program we join and make a team work with Singapore student. the members are 50 students from Indonesian, its divide 35 students from west-Sumatra and 15 students from Jakarta and 50 students from Singapore also their chaperons.  in our preparation, we must kiss our national flag, its called "malam renungan" . the next day, our friends from Singapore was coming, we do the flag hoisting and country presentation, you know? how rich our beloved country.. we have soooo many traditional dance, traditional culinary, and the tourism object whose historical mark.  and they look like get a surprise when we presentation our country :) the next day, we go to the one of  tourism object in west Sumatra, it's called : Minangkabau traditional house, in there we can wear traditional costume  of Minangkabau, they sooo happy to use it :) and on the other hand, do  you know, who is the leader in Indonesian contigent ? he is my best friend, MUKHLIS ARIFIN.. its good right? hahahaaa after that, every day we go to the tourism object in west-Sumatra, and they always give us many praise about how beautiful our country.. thay so happy and enjoy in bukittinggi, and they want to stay here. in our last day, indonesian contingent show the cultural performance, and they too. but in our country cultural performance, we show all the popular traditional dance in Indonesian. its so awesome guuuys :) they feel amazed when they can see the buffalo, chicken and waterfall directly, they also like our hiking when we go to the jungle whose soil so slippery and they falling down, we hold our hand together to help each other, it's the name of  a FRIENDSHIP. they also say that, the indonesian people are friendly, pretty, smart, sympatism  and always want to help each other. tehy also like our country culinary and indonesian traditional cloth.

now, we have so many natural resource here, we are the teenagers in Indonesian now, so we must know, respect and appreciate our country. many people want to stay and amazed with the beautiful things that Indonesian have! so, from now, PROUD AS THE INDONESIAN TEENAGERS..

look this picture and find the meaning..


Jumat, 18 November 2011

love it :D

hahaa.. So, please always follow my blog yeeah :)
terima kaasiiih..

knowing your country, loving your country

so, this is all the picture that you can see if you go to West Sumatra especially in Bukittinggi.

 traditional house of Minangkabau

 Sanjai chips

 historical mosque

 Singgalang  mountain

traditional market

okay guys, after that I will introduce you, to Fort the Cock castle in Bukittinggi . 
This fortress was built in the peak in the Bukittinggi city in 1825 when the people's opposition happening that was led by Mr I Imam the Protruberance and the Nan Salapan Tiger against the Netherlands.

Around this Fortress still could be seen by us the old gun the period of the XIX Masehi age. This wide place was decorated with the garden as the place of the height witnessed, the Sianok Gorge and surrounding hills were gotten the old gun and the fortress building. This was the best place in Bukittinggi witnessed Sunset.

so amazing, right? hahaaa so if you visit BUkittinggi, you should go there :)

awesome city.. :)


if you never see it before, i will tell you a little bit, from this city first :)
Kota ini sebelumnya disebut dengan Fort de Kock dan dahulunya pernah juga dijuluki sebagai "Parisj van Sumatra" selain kota Medan, dan kota Bukittinggi juga pernah menjadi ibukota negara Indonesia.
Kota ini merupakan kota kelahiran salah seorang Proklamator RI yaitu Bung Hatta, disebut juga sebagai kota pusaka dengan Jam Gadang, yaitu sebuah landmark di ketinggian jantung kota, berbentuk jam besar mirip Big Ben, sekaligus menjadi simbol bagi kota yang juga berada pada tepi sebuah lembah yang bernama Ngarai Sianok.
Selain itu kota Bukittinggi juga terkenal sebagai kota wisata yang berhawa sejuk, dan bersaudara (sister city) dengan Seremban dari Negeri Sembilan di Malaysia.
Kota Bukittinggi berada pada posisi strategis, terhubung dengan beberapa kota-kota lain termasuk kota-kota yang berada di luar provinsi Sumatera Barat, seperti kota Pekanbaru dan kota Medan, dan merupakan kota yang dilalui oleh jalur Trans Sumatera Tengah.

okay guys, now about the tourism object in Bukittinggi . 
Jam Gadang 
 Clock Tower “ or Jam Gadang  is a typical symbol of Bukittinggi and West Sumatra has a story and unique in its history. This can be traced from the ornaments on the Clock Tower. In the Dutch colonial period, this clock ornament is round and on it stands a statue of a rooster.During the Japanese occupation, hours turned into a pagoda ornament. While in the period after independence, its shape changes with shape ornament back gonjong traditional Minangkabau house.The numbers on the clock is also unique. Number four in Roman numerals are usually written with an IV, but at the Clock Tower written by IIII.From the tower Clock Tower, the tourists can see the panorama of the city of Bukittinggi is composed of hills, valleys and buildings lined up in the middle of town to be missed.
When it was built entirely cost to reach 3,000 Gulden adjustment and renovation from time to time. When the Dutch and first built the roof is round and above it stands a statue of a rooster.Meanwhile, when the Japanese changed again with a pagoda-shaped and when Indonesia Merdeka turned into a traditional Minangkabau house.Every day hundreds of people sought on the location of the Clock Tower. There is a amateur photographer, there are selling balloons, and even find auto loads (public transport) to be taken to other tourist sites in London.To reach this location, tourists can use a landline. From the city of Padang to Bukittinggi, a trip can be taken for approximately 2 hours drive to use public transport. After reaching the town of Bukittinggi, the journey can continue to use public transportation to the location of the Clock Tower.

Kamis, 17 November 2011

my best song :)

that's what friends are for
and i never thought i'd feel this way
and as far as i'm concerd
i'm glad i got the chance to say
that i do belive i love you
and if i should ever go away
well then close your eye and try
to feel the way we do today
and then if you can remember
keep smilin' keep shining
knowing you can always count me, for sure
that's what friends are for
for good times and bad times 
i'll be on your side foever more
that's what friends are for
well you came and opened me
and now theres so much more i see
and so by the way i thank you
oh and then for the times when we apart
well then close your eyes and know
the word are coming from my heart
and then if you can remember
keep smilin'keep shinin'
knowing you can always count on me, for sure
that's what friend are for
for good times and bad times
i'll be on your side forever more
that's what friends are fooor

this song have a good sight in our frienship
my memories in SISFAC 2011 :')


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