if you never see it before, i will tell you a little bit, from this city first :)
Kota ini sebelumnya disebut dengan Fort de Kock dan dahulunya pernah juga dijuluki sebagai "Parisj van Sumatra" selain kota Medan, dan kota Bukittinggi juga pernah menjadi ibukota negara Indonesia.
Kota ini merupakan kota kelahiran salah seorang Proklamator RI yaitu Bung Hatta, disebut juga sebagai kota pusaka dengan Jam Gadang, yaitu sebuah landmark di ketinggian jantung kota, berbentuk jam besar mirip Big Ben, sekaligus menjadi simbol bagi kota yang juga berada pada tepi sebuah lembah yang bernama Ngarai Sianok.
Selain itu kota Bukittinggi juga terkenal sebagai kota wisata yang berhawa sejuk, dan bersaudara (sister city) dengan Seremban dari Negeri Sembilan di Malaysia.
Kota Bukittinggi berada pada posisi strategis, terhubung dengan beberapa kota-kota lain termasuk kota-kota yang berada di luar provinsi Sumatera Barat, seperti kota Pekanbaru dan kota Medan, dan merupakan kota yang dilalui oleh jalur Trans Sumatera Tengah.
okay guys, now about the tourism object in Bukittinggi .
Jam Gadang Clock Tower “ or Jam Gadang is a typical symbol of Bukittinggi and West Sumatra has a story and unique in its history. This can be traced from the ornaments on the Clock Tower. In the Dutch colonial period, this clock ornament is round and on it stands a statue of a rooster.During the Japanese occupation, hours turned into a pagoda ornament. While in the period after independence, its shape changes with shape ornament back gonjong traditional Minangkabau house.The numbers on the clock is also unique. Number four in Roman numerals are usually written with an IV, but at the Clock Tower written by IIII.From the tower Clock Tower, the tourists can see the panorama of the city of Bukittinggi is composed of hills, valleys and buildings lined up in the middle of town to be missed.
When it was built entirely cost to reach 3,000 Gulden adjustment and renovation from time to time. When the Dutch and first built the roof is round and above it stands a statue of a rooster.Meanwhile, when the Japanese changed again with a pagoda-shaped and when Indonesia Merdeka turned into a traditional Minangkabau house.Every day hundreds of people sought on the location of the Clock Tower. There is a amateur photographer, there are selling balloons, and even find auto loads (public transport) to be taken to other tourist sites in London.To reach this location, tourists can use a landline. From the city of Padang to Bukittinggi, a trip can be taken for approximately 2 hours drive to use public transport. After reaching the town of Bukittinggi, the journey can continue to use public transportation to the location of the Clock Tower.
BalasHapussomeone help me :p